Sunday, January 25, 2015

Unit 1 Prompt Response

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants and Generational Theory

I found this week’s articles interesting and very thought provoking. I think Prensky’s article stereotypes students and the label of “Digital Natives” seems a little one sided. I agree with McKenzie that Prensky’s article lacked supporting evidence for his theory.
As a high school computer programming teacher I found my students were eager to learn to design and write programs that were not games. As Prensky suggested the incorporation of games in the learning process was the best way to get the students’ attention. In addition I taught computer courses to senior citizens and found their interest and eagerness was parallel and sometimes higher that the high school students.
I am concerned of the labels presented by generational theory presented. I understand categorizing and organizing learners in groups and recognizing their norms and styles to help understand the student audience. However, I believe caution should be observed as students are individuals and each has their own experience, hopes and dreams.
I felt the videos described my students as they seem interested in learning how to understand the materials presented and how the materials would be applied to their lives. Technology is certainly a bigger part of the educational process for my students than I think they realize. I believe sometimes they take technology for granted or assume that everyone has access to the same technology.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Second post on blog

So, I've created this new blog for my class to keep connected to my classmates and instructor. As I said in my first post this should be interesting. 

In addition, I have created a Twitter account, but I am new to blogging and Twitter so I am not sure what or how to access my Twitter account to tell others how to find me.  Talk about a learning curve, I will get there it will just take a little while.

Although I have known of Twitter and blogging for many years, I have not tried the waters of social media.  I feel more comfortable on the other side, behind the scenes with coding and designing for others to use.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hello and welcome!

I am a student at Wayne State University and have created this blog for the course IT6230  Internet in the Classroom. This is our first assignment and I very excited about the course. 

I earned my Master's of Education in Instructional Design from Wayne State University.  I think WSU is the best University in Michigan, as the professors provide engaging and relevant course work. The education I received from WSU has provided a strong foundation in education technology and instilled the desire to keep learning about new technologies.

I am currently working on my online teaching certification and look forward to the challenging assignments.  I am a contract Instructional Designer writing training material, for a global automobile manufacturing company.  In addition, I am a Cable Television producer for a consortium, which includes four municipalities and three school districts. 

When not working I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. We enjoy many outdoor activities include biking, hiking, and gardening.